Current Work
Old Clearcuts
An old growth west coast rainforest, industrially cleared of all its trees, cut-and-run, then naturally regenerated, may look like this. The Old Clearcuts series was shot on Malcolm Island, BC
Revisiting the Old Plantation (in progress)
A plantation is not a real forest. Thirty years ago, I spent four seasons planting trees and making pictures of clear-cuts in a large valley in the west Rockies. I want to go back. Here are sketches (2017) for a future project.
Old and New Vancouver at Night (in progress)
In conjunction with a publication in 2020,by Vu Photo, Quebec, of old Vancouver Nights work, I have begun scouting the same locations where some of those old pictures were taken.
Paysages Canadiens | Canadian Landscapes 1988 - 2013 download full copy in PDF here